Online Gambling Quarterly Report

Online Gaming Quarterly Report – Summer 2024 Edition

Comprehensive quarterly report analysing updated benchmarks, KPIs, trends, … covering all sectors of the online gaming industry

Based on our well-received Online Gaming Benchmarking Study, we have been asked by many clients to monitor the online gaming industry also on a quarterly basis. We are happy to comply with this request and are now publishing the Online Gaming Quarterly reports. These quarterly reports cover a wide range of topics from key company sectors, such as finance, marketing, strategy, …. Due to this extensive coverage, the report is a must-read for executives and departments of all companies active in the online gaming market.

Many clients have already provided excellent feedback: “This regular industry benchmarking allows my people to focus entirely on company-specific data analyses” (CFO of operator); “A great report that many of my colleagues can use in their daily work” (research/information manager).

Content of report:

  • Strategic issues – Strategic topics, such as overall industry climate, trends, stock development, …
  • Financial benchmarks – Quarterly revenue benchmarks, EBIT and cost benchmarks, …
  • Marketing benchmarks – Social media benchmarks, SEO benchmarks, affiliate marketing benchmarks, …
  • Product-related topics and benchmarking – Product-related topics and benchmarking – Growth potential for selected products, benchmarking of product offers, …
  • Analyses of regions and regulated markets  – Regional analyses, such as in-depth coverage of regulated markets, …
  • US market data and analyses – Every edition of the report also includes in-depth data and analyses (mobile, SEO, affiliates, …) of the US market

In total, the report has ca. 50 pages and ca. 100 graphs/exhibits.

Download the report summary here

Ca. 60 pages and 100 graphics
Euro 885.00 / GBP 765.00
Subscriptions available (-30%)

View Report Summary

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